Rohan Memorial Football Tournament RMFT

Rohan memorial football tournament

Rohan memorial football tournament is also called RMFT. It is the football game organized by class ten students in Gandaki Boarding School. The Rohan memorial football tournament is organized in the memory of late Rohan Adhikari.

He was the GBS student. He passed way while he was in class nine. Then from the year 2069 the football tournament was named as RMFT.

Rohan Memorial Football Tournament RMFT 2075 Fixture

It used to be organized in the name of Hostel before 2069. This year i.e 2016 it is the turn of Dhaulagiri hostel to organize fifth RMFT. The opening ceremony of fifth RMFT took place this Friday ie August 12, 2016. It was a wonderful ceremony. It item present over there were marvelous. Each and every one enjoyed the opening ceremony. Soon after the opening ceremony there was opening match. We provide you the daily update of the matches. The tournament is schedule for August 12, 2016 to August 27, 2016.

Watch Live RMFT Matches 

here we provide live match updates. so all the interested can enjoy live match from here. So do not miss the interesting football tournament.

GBS believe on all round education. So GBS always try to foster all round education to the students. It also gives the platform for the students to develop managerial skill. Hence RMFT provides the opportunity for the students to sharpen their managerial skill. Therefore, through this event class ten students learn different types of managerial skills.

Rohan Memorial Football Tournament Match Updates

This sort of activities gives first hand practical knowledge to the students. One the top of this RMFT is completely student managed program. The teachers and school administration remains as patron of the program. The physical education department gives necessary technical help and support to the students.

This tournament is supposed to be completed with the minimum loss of teaching hour for class ten students. The football matches occurs after school on normal days.  On the public holidays like Saturdays there are matches in the morning and in the afternoon as well.

Similarly this year the Rohan Memorial Football Tournament will start on August 11 2017. The match detail is given in the above table. At same time you can see the daily match updates in this page.

For the daily update of the matches please keep on visiting GbsNote. So just follow us in Facebook.

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