Primary Level English Questions for TSC xam

Primary Level English Questions

Primary Level English Questions for TSC exam. This Primary Level English Questions will help the teacher candidates of Shikshak sewa Aayog exam.

Primary Level English Questions

Here are the some Primary Level English Questions for practice. Well beside this if you have any queries on Primary Level English Questions contact us. our expert team is ready to help you in this regard.

  1. Match the words/phrase in column ‘A’ with their meanings in column ‘B’.

       Column ‘A’        Column ‘B’

  1. tragic                    [      ] happily
  2. bonfire                  [      ] an area of low flat wetland
  3. on the sly              [      ] secretly
  4. tumble                  [      ] a large fire made outdoors
  5. merrily                  [      ] to fall down
  6. toadstool               [      ] to stop being angry
  7. fen                        [      ] an umbrella shaped mushroom
  8. forgive                   [      ] serious and sad

TSC Nepal Primary Level Mathematics Questions 

Fill in the blanks choosing the right pair of opposites from the box:

find               save                       remember                   borrow                 enjoy

lose              spend                      forget                         lend                      dislike

 Although I enjoy going to parties, I dislike wine.

  1. I can never……………… because I ……….it all on clothes.
  2. He cannot ……………….things that he……….once.
  3. I don’t like people who always………things but never……..
  4. She never…………………to carry my pen because she often……………it.

Primary Level English Question for TSC Exam

These are some sample Primary Level English Questions. Therefore if you need more questions for practice check our other articles in

  1. Choose the right words from the box to complete the phrases given:
loaf   pair      bunch      box     sack     bar


  1. a………………… of chocolate
  2. one ……………  of flowers
  3. a………………….of matches
  4. one ……………. of shoes
  5. a…………………of potatoes
  6. One ………… of bread
Make sentences of your own by using the words/phrases given below:
birthplace   a lot of     easily     switch on

Rewrite the following sentences in your answer booklet and circle the correct word.

  1. My brother is a very careful/ carefully
  2. He always speaks very polite/politely to me.
  3. She is very quiet/quietly. She never says anything.
  4. Can you speak more slow/slowly?

Fill in the blanks with who, which or where and complete the sentences:

  1. I know a person…………………can speak twenty-five languages.
  2. He only eats food………………….is good for health.
  3. Let’s go to a country……………. the sun always shines.
  4. This is the coat………………….I like very much.

Change the following words into their plural forms:

  1. horse……………………..
  2. ox………………………….
  3. knife……………………….
  4. key…………………………..
  5. lady………………………….
  6. deer………………………….

Add –‘ing’ to these words. Make necessary changes in spelling.

  1. write…………………………………..
  2. swim……………………………………
  3. die……………………………………….
  4. look………………………………………

Fill in the blanks with correct words given in the brackets:

  1. Prasona was born ………………….2008. ( on, in , at)
  2. He is…………….honest man. ( a, an, the)
  3. …………….house belongs to Riya. ( These, This, Those)
  4. These are………………family photographs. ( me , mine, my)
  5. Ask……………a question. ( he, him his)
  6. There………….a parrot in the cage. ( is, am, are)
  7. Anjana hasn’t eaten …………..apples. ( many, much, little)
  8. Rijhu is………….than her friend. ( intelligent, more intelligent, most intelligent)
Write down these sentences by using capital letters and full stops where necessary:
  1. she is from dharan.                  …………………………………………………
  2. july is a hot month                    …………………………………………………

Choose the correct conjunctions from the brackets and fill in the gaps:

  1. Milan is jumping……………Anita is dancing. ( because, but)
  2. Kumar is absent………….he is sick. ( because, but)
  3. Tina………….Nancy are my best friends. ( and, but)
  4. Do you like to live in a town…………..a village? ( and, or)
  5. They were sad……………….they lost the match. ( but, because)
  6. Would you like tea………… ( and, or)

Change the following as indicated in the brackets:

  1. Mr Rai is a doctor. ( Into yes/No question)
  2. They are football players. ( Into Negative)
  3. Anil wrote this letter. ( Into Who Question)
  4. Smriti didn’t write a letter yesterday. ( Into Affirmative/Positive)

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