Norway Free Universities List

Norway Free Universities

Here is the list of Norway Free Universities. Norway is the one of the best destination for education in the world. So this list of Norway Free Universities will help all the students to make right decision. Nearly the education is completely free in Norway.

There are many Nepali students in the universities of Norway. So, day by day attraction of Nepali students in Norway is increasing. Basically Nepali students are attracted towards Norway Free Universities.

List of Norway Free Universities

Norwegian University of Life Sciences (UMB)

Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)

University of Agder

The University of Bergen

University of Nordland  (formerly Bodo University College)

The University of Oslo

University of Stavanger

The University of Tromso

How to apply for Norway Free Universities

There are many educational consultancies in Nepal. They claim that they deliver paid help and support for the students will to go for abroad students. However her we give the information for online application. Many students are studying in Norway by this method. So if you are IT literate you can easily make online application.

Online Application Form

Testimonial on electronic format

To make online application for Norway Universities you must have all the certificates in electronic format. Similarly the next important thing is to choose correct university according to your desire subject. Now after finding the right university and college make direct correspondence to the concern authority.

The best faculty for study

There is no certain faculty as best faculty. However you must choose the subject and faculty according to your desire. Similarly while making the selection you must see the scope of the subject. We would like to suggest you to choose such subject which can be applied in our own country. It is said that if country will be rich there will be shower of money.

Therefore to go abroad for study is not bad. But to remain there after the study is not good for the nation. Though financially it may be better for you individually but for the country it is not good.

Modern Knowledge and Skill in Mother Land

In Norway also there are many non-residential Nepali. Some of them are financially strong also. Our opinion is that if we can bring this knowledge and skill in our home country that will certainly help for the development of the country.

While talking about this we are not discouraging the Nepal students for the abroad study. Our meaning is after gaining the modern knowledge and skill in abroad let’s return our own country and work for the country and nation. There are several Nepali heroes like Dr. Bhagawa Koirala who has quite the dollar. Now they are working in home ground to serve Nepali people.

Finally we would like to request all the Nepali students studying in abroad including Norway to come back to mother land after gaining the higher level qualification in the abroad.

Unless and until these bright minds return the home land the sustainable development of the country is nearly impossible. Several countries like China, South Korea, and Japan are being developed in short period of time. It is possible because there is no brain drain in these countries.

Online Application for Canada

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