Citizen Investment Trust Nagarik Lagani Kosh Nepal

Citizen Investment Trust Nepal is well known as Nagarik Lagani Kosh in Nepal. The main objective of Lagani Kosh is to collect small funds from the employee for the capital formation.

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At the same time it is the opportunity for the employee to be safe from the super tax in their income. Hence it is popular among the Nepalese employee.

Nagarik Lagani Kosh Nepal Job Notice

Citizen Investment Trust NLK Nepal

In the beginning the amount deposited in Nagarik Lagani Kosh is exempted from the tax calculation. However they have to pay 5 percent in the collection beyond the threshold.

Beside tax exemption it is a kind of force saving too. Such a force saving can help to maintain the economic condition of the employee. Similarly there are several schemes launched by Kosh for the welfare of the depositors. So you can choose in your choice among these several schemes.

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Official site of citizen investment trust Nepal:

Job Notice of citizen investment trust Nepal 

Different Scheme of Citizen Investment Trust Nagarik Lagani Kosh Nepal

Scheme                                                                         Interest

ESG Retirement Fund (Deposit)                                     6.5%

ESG Retirement Fund (80% Loan)                                8%

Housing Loan / Easy Loan / Education Loan              9.5%

Insurance Fund (Civil Service)                                        4.5%

The Insurance Fund (Teachers)                                      4.5%

Insurance Fund (NARC)                                                   6%

The Insurance Fund (Nepalese Army)                           4.5%

Insurance Fund (Armed Police Force)                           4%

The Insurance Fund (Nepal Police)                                4%

Citizen Unit Scheme (Individual)                                    7%

Citizen Unit Scheme (Corporate)                                    5.5%

Investors’ A/C Scheme                                                    As per income

Gratuity Fund Scheme                                                    As per income

The current status of Nagarik Lagani Kosh

Schemes/Program                                    Participators               Fund

E.S.G. Retirement Fund                             1,67,600                    5,345.04 Crore

CIT Unit Scheme                                        2,490                          239.75 Crore

Pension Fund/Gratuity Fund                   24,200                      1,224.78 Crore

Investor’s A/C Scheme                              10,500                       265.90 Crore

Civil Employee’s Insurance Fund             80,000                     418.27 Crore

Teacher’s Insurance Fund                         82,000                      317.24 Crore

Army Employee’s Insurance Fund           97,000                     150.47 Crore

Police Employee’s Insurance Fund          72,000                      29.25 Crore

A.P.F. Employee’s Insurance Fund          35,000                     18.14 Crore

Other Insts. Employee’s Ins Funds          1,800                       6.80 Crore

Reserve Fund      –                                                                         151.41Crore

Total                                                              5,72,590              8167.05 Crore

So nearly there are six lakh employee participating in Nagarik Lagani Kosh.

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