Lok Sewa Aayog Important Notice

Are you looking for Kharidar Prarambhik Exam Questions? Here we have Kharidar Prarambhik Exam Questions.

So we hope this Kharidar Prarambhik Exam Questions collection will be useful.

PSC Important Notice

Public Service Commission Kharidar Application Form

Recently lok sewa Aayog has announced the application for Kharidar. Since few years the candidates of PSC Nepal have to face elementary first phase exam. This exam sorts out the number of candidates to small size.

See Also: How to Prepare Lok Sewa Aayog Exam Effectively?

Kharidar Curriculum                                          

Public service commission has its own curriculum. So the candidates must have knowledge about the curriculum.

Hence if you do not have the curriculums download it from the official website of public service commission Nepal. The official website of public service commission is www.psc.gov.np.

Kharidar Prarambhik Exam Questions

In this exam the candidates have to face objective questions only. Similarly in this exam candidates have to solve both objectives and IQ questions. We try to give both objective and IQ questions in this article.

IQ Questions for Kharidar Exam

The best way to get proficiency in intelligent questions is regular practice. During the exam you have just 45 minutes for fifty questions. Hence in such condition you will not have enough time to think for IQ questions.

You can solve all the questions if your questions paper consists of seen questions. It means that you need to practice a lot for the good result in the first phase exam.  

General Knowledge Questions for Kharidar Exam

Similar to Nayab Subba exam papers Kharidar paper also consists of GK Questions. We have huge collection of GK questions in our previous articles. Hence you can use them for this exam as well.

Current Affairs GK Questions

We update this page daily. So be in touch with us for current affairs questions. At the same time if you have any questions about the current affairs inbox it in our social media page.

How to Increase Memory Power?

The PSC candidates have to come across tough competition for the job. Hence we suggest all the candidates to follow effective learning method. We also called it memory power increasing tips.

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