New NEB Exam Routine !!!

Class 11 12 NEB Routine

Class 11 12 NEB Routine is now public. The national examination board generally publishes the Class 11 12 NEB Routine by the end of January every year.

Class 11 12 NEB Routine; NEB Exam Time Table

So this year too students will get the examination routine in the normal schedule of national examination board Nepal. NEB has already published the secondary education examination routine.

So for the kind information of the students here we have given the details of the SEE exam routine as well.

SEE 2076 Time Table                                           

Date Day Subject
2076/12/6 Thursday Compulsory English
2076/12/7 Friday Compulsory Nepali
2076/12/9 Sunday Compulsory Maths
2076/12/10 Monday Compulsory Science
2076/12/11 Tuesday Compulsory Social Studies
2076/12/12 Wednesday Health Population Environment
2076/12/13 Thursday Optional Maths/ Opt I
2076/12/14 Friday Computer / Opt II

NEB Grade 11 and Grade 12 Routine

As mentioned above the examination board is now almost at the end of routine publication. Most probably the second week of Magh NEB will publish the exam time table. Last year it had published the exam time table at 13 Magh 2075.

How to Prepare the Board Exam for Grade 11 and 12

Sometime students are found panic during the exam. So here we give the version of some education experts and counselors. According to the latest research students are not able even to read the questions properly in the exam hall due to stress.

Hence first of all the examinees needs to remove the scare crow from their mind.

Tricks for Scientific Study for the Board Exam

At the same time you have to make a schedule for all subject revision for the board exam. It means give nearly equal time to all the subjects. However you can alter few hours according to your need. But just to prepare within few days for certain subject is not good.

NB: Grade 11 and 12 Board Exam Routine Coming Soon

Finally we would like to express our best wishes to all the candidates of NEB grade 11 and grade 12.

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